About Me

My photo
I am 45 YO, am married to my VERY Best friend. My husband is my support and inspiration. We have 7 beautiful kids, all grown and on their own except the youngest two boys who are both 15. I have loved Art my entire life. As a person, I consider myself to be a lifelong learner and a constant work in progress. My favorite saying is: It's never too late to be who you might have become!-Author Unknown.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's almost that time of Year!

Learning to stamp the edges of my cardstock, what a difference that makes!

 Oh how I love my Cricut!

These are Tea Bag Books, they are a blast to make, decorate and give4 away, they make awesome gifts!

As you can see, you simply slip a tea bag into each sleeve, you could probably enlarge template to accommodate Hot Cocoa.

Just a closeup, LOVE my stickles!

OK, so I probably need a little Purse Card Counseling! :)

My first exploding Box card, needs ribbon, this one is not quite finished!

 Still not finished, have LOT'S more cool stuff and stickles to add!


  1. There's nothing wrong with loving purses.

    Your blogs begining to take shape quite nicely. Looking forward to seeing it grow.


  2. Please - do you have the directions for the tea bag cards? I love them! nice blog

  3. Love the tea bag cards and the exploding box...where can I get the patterns for them, if you don't mind?

    Love the blog! It's growing and greating!

  4. Hi ... I love this blog too. How about some creative and original knitted items ... you should expand into this sort of line. You could coordinate your specialty cards with a knitted personal item ..... keep up the great blog!!

    Ms. Pat

  5. I absolutely LOVE your cards!! How cuuuuuute! I love the ones with the little girl in red and the coffee cup one and that you do alot of different things! I now have a cricut expression and sure cuts alot so learning alot fast where I had to even begin my scrapbook stash..I had none! It's always intimidated me but now I have been inspired thank you!!

  6. I have enjoyed your blog. The items are more to my liking because they are simple, yet elegant. I used to love to use my markers, but have got away from it. Thinking I will go back to doing that on some cards. The photos of the projects are bright and clear. I'll be adding this blog.

  7. love your blog site. your cards are very colorful and inspiring. I am new to card making so haven't quite got the hang of it.
    I loved your dress card , simple but elegant.
    Can't wait to see what you come up with next. keep up the great blog


  8. Love your cards Sometimes I just feel like I muLotsagrannie@bex.netst be lazy and untalented ,, you did good

  9. MeLiNdA, I JuSt ReCeNtLy StArTeD cRaFtInG aNd JuSt GoT mY CrIcUt JuSt AbOuT a WeEk AgO, I'Ve BeEn OnLiNe EvErYdAy lOoKiNg FoR IdEaS aNd TiPs&TrIcK tO wHaT I CaN dO WiTh ThE CrIcUt. ThE ThInGs ThAt YoU mAkE ArE SiMpLy JuSt AmAzInG aNd So InSpIrAtIoNal. I JuSt LoVe HoW YoUr CaRds HaVe a MaIn FoCuS pOiNt AnD YoU PuT sO mUcH dETaIl To MaKinG It StAnD oUt. I Am NeW tO tHiS BlOgGiNg ThInG bUt I SoOn HoPe tO mAkE cArDs As AmAzInG aS yOuRs And HoPe tHaT wHeN i PoSt It, It WiLl OfFeR tHe InSiPeRaTiOn tHaT I'Ve GotTen FrOm YoUr BlOg. i WiLl Be LoOkInG fOrWaRd To mOrE Of YoUr pOsTs sO i CaN GeT MoRe IdEaS AnD InSiPeRaTiOn.

  10. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your couple one!! Didn't see that one the other day hooooooow cute and I love the black white and red! Such eyecandy!!! *Huggs*

  11. Melinda you are Awesome. Thank you!!!! I hope someday I will meet you in person and thank you!!! :)
